Friday, May 31, 2019

A New Adventure (Feb-May 2019)

On Feb 2, 2019, we became a family of 7 as Hannah (6) and Eli (3) joined the family! The adoption was finalized Dec 16, 2019.

Not a whole lot of families with kids aged 6, 6, 5, 3, and 3.

Nighttime reading gets a little more crowded.

Out with Granma and PopPop Bates for Grandparent's Day.

A lot of new equipment to learn.

The adjustment made by Jason, Rosie, and Luke was pretty incredible.

Jason got his face painted and got to meet Seth Curry on the same day!

Always gets off the bus with a smile on her face.

Donuts with Dad!

Has always loved working out.

Introducing Jason and Rosie to March Madness.

A little story by Jason about a coloring contest between the boys and the girls (nobody else took the contest nearly as seriously as Jason).

Jason adjusting to cramped quarters.

Eli is quite the sleeper...

Like I said...

First day in the new house!

Time for some MRIs. Got some good images of my hands as well as I had to hold her head still the entire time.

Always been her own girl. Loves her Cheerios shirt and soccer socks.

Tree swings at the new house are a huge hit!

Don't remember why he started sleeping in random places, but the kid is cute.

Class award at JH Gunn.

Reading time with Grandma Ross.

Friend's party at Top Golf--Jason was a huge fan.

Lukey anytime someone leaves and he isn't going.

Begging for something.

So much fun to be able to see the kids at school!

I know I couldn't come up with a better outfit.

Lost his first big front tooth!

And the other!

Walk into the room, take the picture, then lose my mind.

Get's his go-to face from his Mommy.

Probably my favorite picture of these two.

And again...

Doesn't shy away from attention.

Picture of the family by Rosie.

We never know what we will see in Rosie's room after quiet time.

Jason's request for a flag cake for his 7th birthday below.

Went through a short phase of loving to get dressed up for school.

Loved having Ms. Broocks as his Kindergarten teacher!

Happy 7th birthday, Jason!

The many moods of Rosie.

Supporting CCS soccer!

These are going way way back. This is from Aug 2018.

The kid loves to dance. Sept 2018

Wendy's helped kill some of the last hours before Mommy came back from her trip. We barely made it. 

Thankfully, the Baby Shark thing phase passed quickly.

Election season and apparently Lauren had expressed frustration with all the mailers we were receiving. November 2018.

"Down the patch!"

We all love to squeeze those earlobes. Dec 2018.

He really picks up on all of our sayings...

The new Forseth Trio?

Jason's unprompted impression of an old man.

That personality really starting to come through. Jan 2019.

We take Wii Sports very seriously.

Looking back on videos like these remind us of how far we have come. Feb 2019.

Learning to crawl.

This short clip is a pretty good representation of the first few months. Constant noise from every angle.

Just loved the way they would mispronounce certain words. Rosie saying infinity was one example. April 2019.

Being a "cool dude" with Mrs. Ketcham.

The bath was a "good temperature".

One of our all-time favorite Lukey videos.

Jason working with Hannah on her words.

In his blood.

I love this interaction between Luke and Rosie.

Learning about personal space.

Thankfully, the new house got Jason's seal of approval.

Enjoying the new house.

Made it through the yearly MRIs!

Didn't take long to really start testing out the swings.

Snuggling Lukey's baby.

Not every take is a great one...

Never a mystery how Nukey is feeling. May 2019.

Rosie taking her turn.

Jason not at all amused with the joke Mommy wrote on his napkin today.

Loves the stage.

Another line that gets repeated a lot in the Ross house.

Mrs. Broocks (Kindergarten) talking about Jason.

Mrs. Edwards (JK) talking about Rosie.

"Pretty good to me."

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