Christmastime at the Billy Graham Library
Story time for the kids
Enjoying the planes
Hanging out
Nope, this is Jason
Screen time with the cousins
Nope, this is Anya
At the SBS gym
Am I getting anyone?
Great to see Blake, Christina, and Little Christina.. I mean, little Blake
Back at the gym... Buddy heaven
Dad in charge of bathtime
Our sweet girl
Auntie Ne Ne has been here :)
More Christmas pictures to come
In other news, Buddy has cut his bottom two year molars (hence all the drooling) and Adleigh had her 2 month appt yesterday where she got her first shot. She was crying before she got it but she settled quickly. Her stats:
Weight - 13 lbs 2 oz (86%)
Height - 23.75 in (93%)
Head Circumference - 15.8 in (93%)
Auntie Lolo, you are pretty funny, you keep me in 'stitches all day' with the posts.