Friday, January 31, 2014

Mom's losing her mind

 In my defense, he HAD just peed on me and Adleigh was wanting to be picked up

 What time is Canasta?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Some more Christmas pictures

 The whole clan. All photos courtesy of Pop Pop

 Christmas outfit

 Mama Anya

 More of the crew

 Kids table - romantic lighting provided by Jonah

 Sports presents of course

 The gift that makes Jason never want to leave the bathtub

 Helping mom clean out her closet.. I mean closets. Nana: "This is beautiful fabric, Debbie"

 Auntie and Uncle

 Sweet Jonah holding Adleigh - he's ready for his little sister!

 Christmas 2001

Andy is even more handsome 12 years later :)

 Jason loves this rocking chair

 I think even Pop Pop was tired out after this trip

Thanks for a great trip, Grandma and Pop!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cold outside

 Jason has been saying a new word almost every day. He also knows the sounds the lion, bee, monkey, dog (which he whispers every time), and cow make. He said his first sentence "I did it!" and then "Do it again". But our favorite is when he says "come on". And if you do facetime with him you are guaranteed to get a kiss through the screen

 Fascinated with the boys on skateboards

Even though the picture does not reflect it, she has been much more calm this week. She's cute either way

This video is from before Christmas but I just came across it

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Liitle Miss Rosey

She loves her changing table. A guaranteed smile.

She talks as much as Jason.

Buddy loves to kiss his sister.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas in NY and Happy New Year!

Christmastime at the Billy Graham Library

Story time for the kids

Enjoying the planes

Hanging out

Nope, this is Jason

Screen time with the cousins

Nope, this is Anya

At the SBS gym

Am I getting anyone? 

Great to see Blake, Christina, and Little Christina.. I mean, little Blake

Back at the gym... Buddy heaven

Dad in charge of bathtime

Our sweet girl

Auntie Ne Ne has been here :)

More Christmas pictures to come
In other news, Buddy has cut his bottom two year molars (hence all the drooling) and Adleigh had her 2 month appt yesterday where she got her first shot. She was crying before she got it but she settled quickly. Her stats: 
Weight - 13 lbs 2 oz (86%)
Height - 23.75 in (93%)
Head Circumference - 15.8 in (93%)