A nice break from the singing toy piano :)
He continues to love all food. Jason will follow you around the house if he senses you have food.
Classic. A room full of toys but he chooses to play with a plastic plate...
Jason had his 9 month well child appointment yesterday. Weight 22 lbs (87%), Height 28.5 in. (44%), Head cir. 18.75 in (97%). I thought the height seemed low compared to last time but he is right on track. He is also meeting many of the milestones for kids closer to 12 months old so he continues to be our little man child.
Jason had his 9 month well child appointment yesterday. Weight 22 lbs (87%), Height 28.5 in. (44%), Head cir. 18.75 in (97%). I thought the height seemed low compared to last time but he is right on track. He is also meeting many of the milestones for kids closer to 12 months old so he continues to be our little man child.
That is a good day... wearing camou pants, enjoying some good meals, and playing on the ol' ivories...