Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Last week Jason got his first molar and started saying Mama and waving hi and goodbye.

Playing in the morning (and yes that is an empty wipes container... don't judge us) :)

Assisted walking

Doing his laps

Mama! He says it a lot but he says only that when I come to get him in the morning so I know he knows what it means. :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa Ross come to visit!

I (Lauren) was completely spoiled this week between Ma and Pa Ross helping with Buddy and around the house, and taking us out to eat and Andy being home for spring break and letting me sleep in every day. Back to reality soon! Noooo :)

Jason loved snuggling his Grandma Mary
 Jason's playmates for the week

 Birthday holiday at Cheesecake Factory

 Double-fisting his bread

Thanks so much for a great visit!

 We will miss you!

Friday, March 22, 2013

An avant-garde piece for your Friday afternoon

A nice break from the singing toy piano :)

He continues to love all food. Jason will follow you around the house if he senses you have food.

Classic. A room full of toys but he chooses to play with a plastic plate...

Jason had his 9 month well child appointment yesterday. Weight 22 lbs (87%), Height 28.5 in. (44%), Head cir. 18.75 in (97%). I thought the height seemed low compared to last time but he is right on track. He is also meeting many of the milestones for kids closer to 12 months old so he continues to be our little man child.

Monday, March 18, 2013

First time at the pool

This was the best picture I could get of our squirmy boy. When we first got in the water Jason was very clingy at first and sucked his thumb a lot but after observing everyone else in the pool he started to feel more comfortable. I should have taken him months ago.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Glad it's the weekend

 The exersaucer is now in its third and final stage

Playing with Dad

Playing with Mom