Saturday, December 31, 2022

November-December 2022

Rosie turns 9!

Kids continue to amuse me with how they sleep.

Drew riding Charlie Brown's Windup!

Siblings watching Drew proudly.

Enjoying a train ride.

Series of photos that sums up Luke/Drew's relationship pretty well.

Kid loves to griddy.

Not feeling Costco today...

Seems like a good spot to watch.

Drew is very price conscience...

Not very safety conscience, though.

Admiring her new cat calendar.

Kid wears some interesting outfits.

Enjoying some hot cocoa and a movie.

Family Thanksgiving.

Apple doesn't fall far...

Jason's first basketball game!

Take after Uncle Dete...shirt optional.

Christmas performance day for Luke and Eli.

Luke's boy Jace.

Speaking of interesting outfits...

Luke/Elie/Rosie playing Sat morning basketball.

Luke turns 7!

Rosie's writing for school. Already a better writing than I ever was.

Rosie and Jason's Christmas performance day.

What is this???

Does this constantly and then chants "He stand up!"

Baking with Grandma.

Already turning into her mommy.

Christmas time!

What's a trip to Sun City without some pickleball? 

Always some injury right around the corner for Storm Norm. This time he trips and breaks his fall on the edge of the van with his nose...

Yearly gingerbread tradition.

This year's taste test challenge--cheese!

Drew had his own accident-hard to see but had to get a couple of stitches on the edge of his mouth.

Christmas at Carowinds.

The number of times I walk into the kitchen and he's put together this setup to steal food...

Fun with Drew!

This is what it looks like to live with Drew.

Now added "Bye girl" when we drop off Rosie at school.

"Thank you!"

One of my all-time favorite videos.

"Hand. Hand."

Did this for about 20 minutes straight. Was pretty unbelievable.

Had to try the tortilla challenge. Luke was not buying Jason's late change...

Watching some sort of karate show.

As drew would say, "Buckets!"

Luke is hangry.

Jason getting his own "buckets".

Calming draining his free throws.