Saturday, December 10, 2016

Luke is 1!

Hard to believe it's already been a year.

Enjoying his new found mobility.

Don't worry, he didn't lose his 14 teeth (or the 2 that are coming in). Just another toy in his mouth.

A lot more fun to play in than pick up.

Starting to get a hang of this walking thing.

Not sure if we should be more concerned that Luke does this or that Rosie enjoys it.

Classic Rose.

Me: Come eat Buddy.
Jason: I'm too busy.

Loves her tea parties.

Helping Mommy make a gingerbread man.

Lauren gave Rosie a Target magazine and asked her to circle anything she wanted...

This killed a good 15 minutes one morning.

Loving their hot chocolate.

Have to keep your eyes open in this house.

Not sure what version this is.

Told Jason that Papa Ross was a doctor. This is his plea.

Rosie had to make her own video.

Taking advantage of the cleaning up is fun stage.