Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Here's to #2

Rosie likes be on her perch to read.

She is often drawn to Peter Rabbit for some reason.

Apparently reading is fun.

Enjoying his haul after going #2 in the toilet!

Playing with Mom's hair to help her fall asleep.

Rose being Rose.

Getting pretty good at going down stairs.

Not a fan of the paprazzi.

Not sure who's happier--Jason or Mom and Dad.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rosie Holding Her Own

Rosie beating up on Jason.

Actually, he's just reacting to the flash.

After taking a few pictures of them, Jason got up and said, "Scooter's turn."

"Dino's turn."

"Rabbit's turn."

"Sheep's turn."

Rosie has picked up a few tricks from Jason. That's what he gets for doing this to me and Mommy (usually with hugs and kisses) all the time. Buddy's faces are hilarious.

"I have a turn? Have it first?" Rosie is so pleased with herself.

You play with fire long enough and you will get burned. "Thankome. Thankome."