Monday, December 16, 2013

One more week until Christmas!

 MN in his blood :)

 Dressing up for dinner

 And headband...

Someone who should actually wear a headband...

So cuddly

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lots of videos and pictures

 Close up

Dance and play ball... that's what we do in the Ross home

Even the crib is a basket

Good form

Ball with Pop Pop

Jason remembered the drill Pop Pop showed him

Mommy's little helper

The drills are paying off...

Jason continues to show so much love to Adleigh. He gives her hugs and kisses, bring her pacifiers and pink blankets, talks to her in a soft high pitched voice, and sometimes says Uh oh when she cries. One morning he came to get me when she cried when I was not in the room.

Moving those arms and legs

It was AMAZING and SOOO helpful having Grandma and Pop Pop Bates and then Grandma Ross come to visit! We all miss you! Thank you so much for coming!

Monday, November 18, 2013

First few weeks

 Adleigh had her newborn appt 11 days after her birth and had gained almost a pound :) Her height is in the 98th percentile, her weight in the 90th, and her head circumference in the 97th. 

 Grandma and Pop Pop were a huge help the first two weeks!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween week

 Halloween story time

 Trunk or Treat at the YMCA

 Actual Halloween with the best babysitter, January

Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome Adleigh Laura!

 Adleigh was born Halloween night at 10:32 weighing 8lbs 8 oz, 21 1/2 in. She is such a sweet baby.

 Jason already loves her. He wasn't sure what to do the first day but now he goes around saying "baby, baby", rocks her and gave his very first kiss to her

Rosy cheeked girl :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Random video and pics

 Buddy's reaction to watching the viral video "What Does the Fox Say". I feel a little guilty for showing him...

 Finally found a blankie that he loves. He drags it around the house like Linus

Pit stop on the way to Hilton Head to see the Ross fam

Hanging out with his bud, Ben

Friday, October 18, 2013

Playing out in the rain... the dirt and in a stream at Squirrel Lake Park

Roaming free

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Grandpa and Grandma Ross come for a visit!

 Smile Grandpa!

 That's a little better, Grandpa

I think Grandpa's got it, Grandma!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Preseason Basketball Training

Working on his shooting form.  Not bad for a 16 month old.
Catch and shoot.
Fighting hard for points in the paint.
Needs work on his mid-range game.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Daddy has another big win

 Hanging out at CCS after the game

He throws everything and anything
Oh, and his lower cuspids came in making a grand total of 16 teeth

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A lame weekend

Sick so he missed two birthday parties and without dad for the weekend :(
Enjoying his yogurt

 Over time we put different blankies in Jason's crib to see if he would sleep with them but he always threw them out of the crib immediately (including his pacifier around a year). Just last week he has found a blankie that he likes. Made especially for him by Sarah from grad school :) He is still sucking his thumb of course

Caught red handed eating salad

The next two videos are from a few weeks ago
Our little dancer

Chatting on the phone